I was brought back to my blog by my aunt who happen to stumble upon my blog which I wonder how she managed to find it. I have totally forgotten about my blog. Was fun rereading through what I posted about before some made me laughed like the tribute to a TV like seriously? I blogged about that? OMG but then again that time it was my source of entertainment.
So what happen since 2010? Hmmm... well I finished my bachelor degree and went back to my hometown as unfortunately I cant stay in Australia as my qualification was not on the Skilled Occupational List have to be on the list to apply for PR it is not easy at all I tell you to get Australian PR now a days they are constantly changing the rules I swear they do it on purpose as they only want overseas student to come and study and go back where you come from. Sigh oh well...
So I was forced to come back home which I was so reluctant to do so I loved it there most of all I love my freedom there. Got to do what I want when and where and however I wanted it to be. No one nagging at me. Although I don't own a car whilst in Oz I managed to get around using the bus and train there are so reliable there and the government is encouraging people to use public transport to get to work. It is easy to figure out the buses and train times and where they go to. Wish there is such systematic transportation here back home but alas I can only dream about it what with the crappy corrupted government we have here.
So I was working as Human Resource cum Admin Executive at a local shopping center but didn't work out as to very poor management they had. Oh well family business cant work for them at all plus the shopping mall isnt doing well at all most tenants are leaving as there just isn't any crowd there why would there be as there is nothing to attract people to go to the mall at all. Learnt my lesson there. Well I'm hunting for next job. Wish me luck.
On a happier note we adopted two kittens in July 2013. They have grown up now but still less then a year old. Their names are Silver my baby boy and Kimmy my baby girl. They are mixed Siamese breed I think Kimmy looks more Siamese then Silver. They both brother and sister. We went somewhere for dinner and we saw these two cutie pies kitten lurking around meowing for food and I was so smitten by them I asked my mum if we could bring them back my mum said ok but we are not keeping them we will send them up for adoption but guess what ended up keeping them as I am so not letting them go. We had them spayed/neutered so no worries about kittens. They are like my kids to me. They are the love of my life. Pics of my fur kids below:
This is Silver my handsome boy
This is Kimmy my beautiful girl
Both of them chilling and sleeping
Kimmy cleaning Silver's ear she love doing this
Kimmy is the curious one always goes snooping around checking out new places she never been to. Silver is more spoiled like being close to me and a piggy loves to eat even before being neutered now worst he will eats Kimmy's food as well even when he hasn't even finish his. Overall they are good cats except Silver will poo outside the box for some reason maybe cos the cat litter is dirty but we changed it twice everyday. Hmmm... oh well maybe it is territorial thingy marking his scent? Not sure but sure as hell not fun to clean up after him. Naughty boy.
Well it is late now. So till then. Ciao. Peace out.
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